Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Day 1 - Limiting Beliefs Busters !

    • Your True Manifestation Powers

    • What About Limiting Beliefs?

    • Let's Bust Those Limiting Beliefs !

    • Test Your Understanding of the Concepts Already Introduced !

  • 3

    Day 2 - Your New Story - Becoming an Empowered Manifestor

    • We Are Manifestors!

    • Overwriting Limiting Beliefs about Money

    • Time for a Check In !!

  • 4

    Day 3 - Becoming an Empowered Manifestor, Part 2

    • Empowered Manifestor - Align with your Desires !

    • Exercise - Say No to "BUT "

    • Exercise: Rewriting Your Past Experiences

    • Are You An Empowered Manifestor?

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    Day 4 - Welcoming Money & Abundance Into Your Reality

    • Your Abundance, Your Money !

    • Abundance & Money - Do You Get it Now???

    • It's Time ! Reconnect with your Limitless, Abundant Self !

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    Day 5 - More About Money ....

    • Time For Another Check In !

    • Money Is Energy !

    • Write Your Money Manifesto

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    Day 6 - Let's Manifest!!!

    • Step 1: GRATITUDE !

    • Step 2: ALIGNMENT

    • Step 3: VISUALIZATION !

    • End Of Stage One - You Are Prepared!!

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    Day 7: Let's Manifest (continued)

    • You're Prepared, Now What ?

    • Release! Surrender! Trust !

    • Test Your Comprehension {Graded Quiz}

  • 9

    It's A Wrap !

    • How Was This Journey For You?

    • May We Have A Testimonial ?

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Xayla Trinity Empowerment Services is a platform, created to provide a safe environment to support you in your quest for empowerment, life purpose, and spiritual well-being.


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"Title was Aptly and Appropriately Chosen!"

by Daniel Edwards - Entrepreneur

Course was very thoughtfully constructed. Great attention to detail. engaging & entertaining instructor too. Great flow and sequencing!


by Marcus Harrison - Author

Nothing less than a full 5 stars !